Educational Videos — Back to Basics video series

The goal is to help remove the confusion from all the trading jargon. Knowing how to trade takes a fundamental understanding of the basics. These videos will help you on your journey!

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Recommended Reading List

Arm yourself with knowledge and enhance your financial acumen with my list of must-read books to navigate the complex world of trading.

  • 2024 Stock Traders Almanac by Jeffrey Hirsch
  • Volume Price Analysis by Anna Coulling
  • Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
  • Risk Management is an Essential Element of Trading and Investing!

    Risk management is an essential element of trading and investing. Risk management becomes even more critical in the world of active trading, where daily market fluctuations and rapid-fire decision-making are the norms. Effective risk management techniques enable active traders to minimize losses, maximize profits, and create a sustainable trading strategy. [...]

  • 5 TIPS for Trading Volatile Markets

    Volatile markets can be intimidating for traders, but they can also present lucrative opportunities. With the right strategies and mindset, traders can take advantage of market volatility and make profitable trades. To make things easier for you, we thought it would be useful to put together a couple of tips [...]

In the upcoming tech war, who wins???

The answer is in the video. Hope the evidence is clear!!! An upcoming tech war is a real thing. Study the past. The last tech war took place in the late 1990s and tech won until it didn’t.

Back to Basics: Introduction to trading.

A few basics and words of guidance for those who are struggling with trading or new to trading. 

Is trading an Art?

Let’s discuss this. A lot of folks struggle with the mindset and probabilities of trading. Finding certainty in a game of uncertainty is a recipe for disaster.

If you can’t master your emotions, the market will own you.

This to me is the most important part of trading. Everyone is wired differently, and if you can’t own your emotions and control them, the market will.

The next round of videos will revolve around the mechanisms of the markets, how the markets take the most amount of money from the most amount of people, and how the markets move throughout the news cycles, seasonality, and earnings. take your time reviewing all the topics. They all matter!!

Videos Round №2

Ten trading mistakes you’re probably making right now!

Most folks don’t realize that most trading mistakes are born from a few different elements of their psychology.

Videos Round №2

Do you know how to get started trading the markets?

Is making money easy or is it luck? Is trading a get-rich scheme goal or a slow-growing, wealth over time kind of game? Why do 95% of traders fail, but it seems everyone making money??

Secure Your Investments

Concerned about the stability of your brokerage company? Take advantage of their promotional rewards when transferring you account by clicking the link below. Enjoy peace of mind with Interactive Brokers.

These videos revolve around the psychology, emotions, and understanding of yourself when it comes to the markets. We’re just interpreting the data, none of us are omnipotent! Those that master the markets have mastered themselves.

Emotional Capital. What is it, and are you wasting it constantly?

Emotional capital in trading might be the most valuable asset you have when you’re an experienced trader.

How to mentally handle being on the wrong side of a trade. Trading is a probability game.

What are yours? This is the most important part of trading that no one wants to talk about. What are your motivations for trading?

Stop Gambling!

Let trades come to you!

How to trade stocks 101!

The real answer you need to hear. Trading is a probability game. How do you plan on not failing like 95% of day traders?


Why your mind needs to be conditioned to think of the market as a probability game.

New/Beginner Trader Chat.

I wanted to do a quick chat with the newer folks to give feedback and have the courage to ask for help. When the student is ready, the teacher appears!!

In the next batch of videos we’re going to talk about seasonality, repeating news releases and reactions, and just how the market acts during the trading year.

Earnings Season

What to expect typically during earnings season. 4 times a year, earnings season becomes the most important few weeks for all those that trade or watch the markets.

Why is the stock trader’s almanac important?

If you don’t know, then you need to buy this right now. This is the one book you must buy every year if you’re going to trade.

How to trade the markets the Monday and Tuesday Proceeding the FOMC meeting on Wednesday.

There is tons of uncertainty before the FOMC so being aware of the tendencies is key!

Options Expiration, Why it matters, When is it?

The 3rd week of every month is options expiration in the stock market.

Why the last 3 and first 3 trading days of a month matter!

In this video, we will talk about why they matter, how to trade them, what to expect, and how to put the probabilities in your favor.

Options Expiration: Pin Action. What is it and why does it matter!!!

Back to Beginners In-depth analysis on options expiration Pin Action.

Amateur Hour is the first hour of trading.

You have to be aware of how the market tends to exaggerate moves!

Time vs Price Corrections! What are they and why do they matter.
What is options expiration and why does it matter?

Now that you’ve made it this far, let’s talk about how to identify trades, what are the important formations, and how to be a better trader. The market has repeating patterns and set-ups. You have to know them all. The setups are always repeated on different time frames. Please leave feedback on your favorite videos.

How to layer into a swing trade, short or long.
How to pick bottoms and tops in stocks or any asset class.

Picking tops and bottoms is all about repeating patterns, seasonality, and markets

How to draw the point of control!

This is a great tool for drawing support and resistance zones.

Multi-day ranges and the power of retesting lows/highs!
Do you know what the best signal is for buying any asset class?
Fibonacci Sequencing

I outline how to draw the tools, which Fib numbers I watch, and how to use them as a road map in trading.


Why do they matter? Do you know how professionals win long-term vs. get, don’t blow out and take big losses when wrong?

An introduction to time frames and trading.
Pro vs. Novice gaps

What are they, and how are they different?


Why they matter and how to draw them. They are a very visual identifier in trading as most things are. Stocks at time channel up, down, or sideways.

Bull and Bear Traps

What are they and how to identify them? These formations usually proceed with a swift change in direction.

Covered Call Writing Strategy

When you don’t know and don’t want to sell, hedge!!

How to use trend lines to make the highest probability trades.
Cup and Handle Formations!

This is a great formation for swing trading.

I talk about how to identify H/S patterns to make the highest probability trades.
Moving averages

I break down which moving averages I pay attention to, why, and how to draw them.

VOLUME, the most important indicator in the market.
$VIX, what is it, and why it matters.

The VIX is the rate of change indicator. In this video, we go over the VIX and how to understand it.

I talk about how to enter/exit trades for stocks and options.

In a probability game, there is no certainty.

The Evening Star Pattern

It has a 70% reversal rate potential. If you can’t spot these patterns in your trading, you might be missing out on making big gains.

Dojis Patterns: What are they?? Why they Matter!!!!
Inside Candles and Outside Reversals

Why they are important to look out for!

Easy Mistakes That Lead to Trading Failure

Investing and gambling are two different things, but the line between the two can become blurred when it comes to trading. While investing involves making informed decisions based on analysis and research, gambling is more about taking risks without considering the odds. It’s important to differentiate between the two when trading, as investing can lead to long-term gains, while gambling can lead to significant losses. In this article, we will discuss trading practices that might actually be gambling.

Using High Leverage

Leverage is a powerful tool that can magnify your profits, but it can also magnify your losses. Using high leverage means borrowing money to increase your trading position. For example, if you have $1,000 and use 100:1 leverage, you can trade up to $100,000. While this may seem like a great way to make a lot of money quickly, it’s important to remember that you also risk losing a lot of money quickly.

Trading Without a Plan

Trading without a plan is like driving without a destination. You might get lucky and end up where you want to go, but you’ll often end up lost. Trading without a plan is a surefire way to gamble your money away. A trading plan should include your goals, risk tolerance, entry and exit strategies, and position sizing. Having a plan lets you make informed decisions based on data rather than emotions.

Chasing Hot Tips

Chasing hot tips is like blindly following someone else’s advice without doing your own research. It’s important to remember that no one has a crystal ball when it comes to trading, and what works for someone else may not work for you. Chasing hot tips can lead to impulsive trades not based on analysis or research. Instead, do your own research and make decisions based on your own analysis.

Social Proofing

In trading, social proofing can lead to following the herd mentality, where traders follow the actions of others without considering the underlying data or analysis. This can lead to impulsive trades or taking on unnecessary risks.

Trading Without Expecting to Take Losses

One of the biggest mistakes traders make is not expecting to take losses. Many traders enter a trade with the expectation that they will win, and if the trade goes against them, they double down in the hope of making up for the loss. This can lead to significant losses and a difficult cycle to break.


Overtrading is like playing a slot machine; you keep putting money in, hoping for a big payout. Overtrading can lead to significant losses, as you’ll make impulsive trades without considering the odds. Overtrading can also lead to emotional trading, as you’ll make decisions based on fear or greed rather than analysis.


Trading can be a great way to make money, but it’s important to differentiate between investing and gambling. Using high leverage, trading without a plan, chasing hot tips, social proofing, trading without expecting losses, and overtrading are all trading practices that might actually be gambling. By avoiding these practices, you can make informed decisions based on analysis and research rather than emotions. Remember, trading is a marathon, not a sprint, and you can achieve long-term success by using sound trading practices.

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