This is Dan Max @ EXP Realty with a video to explain how to buy a second home and rent out your current residence. What are the things to think about and how to get started? Check out the video for more information, and let me know if I can help. The greatest wealth is built from real estate. Let’s start your journey!
As a real estate agent in Centra Park, Denver, my job is to keep my focus on the housing markets and economy, to make sure I put my clients in a win/win situation. For more information feel free to reach out. I would love to chat about your options and see what I can do to help you at worse in the Denver market. Investing wisely now will be the key to your long-term success.
If you need help in another state, My team and I can help as well. I work with 1000’s of agents globally and can point you in the right direction. Not all real estate agents are in the know. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help.
I would love to chat about your options and see what I can do to help.
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